Digital Marketing Course

sangha digital academy goal

Sangha Digital Academy Goal

When we started Sangha Digital Academy our goal was simple: to provide the businesses of Amritsar with the Digital marketing services they need to compete on equal footing in the global marketplace.

Today, that goal remains at the core of everything we do. We’re not in this to make a quick buck and retire. We’re here for the long haul to help inject life into our client’s online presence and work with them to expand existing market penetration while opening up new markets and possibilities.

That’s a tall order but our team is among the most experienced and talented you’ll find anywhere. They love a challenge and know how to turn it into an opportunity for growth.

Our Digital Marketing Training

Our digital marketing training services are the foundation on which our reputation is built. We don’t waste time on outmoded or discredited SEO concepts like alt-tag stuffing or having a page for every keyword variant.

Instead, we focus exclusively on those aspects of search engine optimization that will pass muster with Google and other search engines while at the same time enhancing PageRank. All our energy and services are then directed toward those goals.

Giving Back

We care deeply about the success of our Students, but we’re also members of the larger community. As such we feel a sense of responsibility to ensure the young people of Amritsar aren’t left behind as the world (and the good jobs) move into cyberspace.

As such we have also become the area’s premier Digital Marketing (DM) training center where the bright, energetic young people of Amritsar can familiarize themselves with leading-edge DM concepts taught by the most dynamic and effective instructors in the region.

Our courses range from Website Design and Creation to Social Media Marketing (one of the hottest topics in DM today) to Content Marketing, Marketing for Mobile, Google Analytics, eCom Marketing, and much, more.

Each course is designed to give the student – whether they’re a novice wanting to explore a potential DM career or an experienced SEO professional looking to upgrade their skill set – the information they need to excel in the new economy.

Our wealth of real-world experience enables us to cut through the clutter and focus on those things we know to be important so that you emerge from our training center ready to hit the ground running.

Boldly Into the Future

The digital domain is no place for the timid or the unprepared and, just as importantly, there are no shortcuts to success. To be an in-demand Digital Marketer or SEO expert you have to be ready to double down on training and put in the extra hours when it’s necessary.

Yes, it’s a lot of hard work but the rewards speak for themselves.

Our goal is and always will be to deliver top-quality digital marketing training for our students and to help the young people of Amritsar make the most of the opportunities afforded by the new economy so we can all grow together and move boldly into the future.

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