Digital Marketing Course

Career in Digital Marketing

Career in Digital Marketing in India & Abroad

With each passing day, more and more companies are realizing that if they don’t have a digital marketing strategy, they will miss the train to the future.

So Sangha Digital Academy started a digital marketing institute in Amritsar to create a better future for job seekers.

The common misconception is that companies are dragging customers into cyberspace when it’s the customers that have gone online and the companies that are scrambling to find them there.

You track those lost customers down online with a robust digital marketing presence.

How To Start a Career In Digital Marketing: Where the Jobs Are?​

This shift away from traditional marketing to digital marketing was slow to gain traction but in the past 5 years things like the rise of Facebook and its 1.7 billion users have presented any business owner who is paying attention with a stark choice: go digital or go home.

As the smart ones have shifted their marketing focus to the digital realm this has opened up a slew of job opportunities for young marketers looking to make an impact. Here are some of the digital marketing positions everyone is looking to fill:

  • Digital Marketing Manager – The Digital Marketing Manager is the driving force in the digital marketing department. Like any good film director, they know enough about all the different aspects of digital marketing that no one in the department is going to pull the wool over their eyes.
Digital Marketing Manager post

They formulate the online campaigns that take your company where it needs to be. If you want to be a DMM you’ll need 5+ years’ experience and the projects to back you up.

content marketing manager post
  • Content Marketing Manager – While the DMM lays out the way forward the Content Marketing Manager or CMM makes sure the content that populates a company’s various delivery platforms (blog, Facebook page, etc) is all pointing in the direction of the DMM’s vision. Producing a consistent message that supports the big picture laid out by the DMM is the job of the CMM.
  • Social Media Marketing Manager – Social media marketing has become such a force that it often has its manager in larger organizations both in India and abroad.

Their responsibilities are typically twofold: 1) to disseminate proprietary content through social media channels and 2) to manage a company’s paid social media efforts.

social media marketing manager
  • SEO ExpertSearch engine optimization or SEO is in many ways the beating heart of digital marketing. The SEO expert directs keyword research, directs web page optimization, develops keyword mapping strategies, refines the user experience, audits the website to determine visibility, generates new content ideas, and is up on the latest industry trends. Among other things.
SEO Expert Jobs
  • Copywriter – Most copywriters are professional freelance writers contracted to produce high-quality content for landing pages, blogs, social media posts, and more.

They typically get their marching orders regarding what type of content to write from the CMM. The SEO expert typically relies heavily on the copywriter to deliver keywords in a way that is discreet, and effective and leads to conversions.

Job as a copywriter


These are just some of the careers in digital marketing that are available today to sharp, hardworking young men and women in India and abroad who are intent on planting their flag in cyberspace.

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